2017年11月17日 星期五



• 口頭報告時間:12min(10min+2min Q&A) ,請用英文報告。
• 壁報規格:直式,85cm(w) * 115cm (h)。
• 壁報張貼時間:請於 12/1 (五)繳交至報到處。
• 壁報撤除時間:12/2(六)11:00-12:30
報告編號 會員編號 會員姓名 論文題目
O-11554陳紀菱Roles of Activating EGFR Mutations on the Regulation Alternative Splicing and Metabolism in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
O-21578謝宜真The Novel Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Inhibitor Honokoil Inhibits Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition and Peritoneal Dissemination by Regulating Calpain-10
O-31550林宛親Pleckstrin 2 Promote Lung Adenocarcinoma Cell Proliferation and Invasion by Regulating LEF1
O-41276黃孟凡The Role of α-Catulin in Lung Cancer Stemness
O-51373李豪嶧Mir-105/93-3p Promotes Chemoresistance and Circulating Mir-105/93-3p Acts as a Diagnostic Biomarker for Triple Negative Breast Cancer
O-61536周佳樺characterization of LCRMP-1 Physiological Function by Gene Targeting Strategy
O-71590賴德偉Therapeutic Targeting Tumor Progression Locus-2 (TPL2)/Activating Transcription Factor-4 (ATF4)/Chemokine Stromal Cell-Derived Factor-α (SDF1α) Axis Suppresses Diabetic Retinopathy

編號 會員編號 會員姓名 論文題目
P-011647歐子凡Formononetin cooperate with Astragaloside polysaccharide, active compounds of Astragalus membranaceus, in induction β-globin gene expression in Human leukemia K562 cell
P-021649吳昇懋Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Deficiency Promote Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 Receptor Pathway in Bleomycin-induced Pulmonary Fibrosis
P-031553江毓雯Evaluation of Daphne genkwa Chloroform Fraction for Anticancer Activity in Human Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
P-041446林榆涵Proteomic Analysis of the Subcellular Interactome of EGFR in NSCLC
P-051474施雅旻Studies on Anti-tumor Properties of Sulforaphane in Lung Cancer
P-061636蘇筱涵Licocchalcone A induced apoptosis in human breast cancer cells
P-071440詹絜雯To Exploration the Effect of Magnolol Derivatives in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
P-081637黃馨儒Effects of garlic extract on nonalcoholic liver injury in HepG2 cells
P-091570許修瑞The Role of Exosome Promoting Cell Migration in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
P-101517黃于瑄The Synergistic Hazards of Particulate Air Pollution and Environmental Carcinogens to Lung Progenitor Cells in Mice
P-111645蔡怡青Mechanisms of AhR Mediated Macrophage Phagocytic Activity in Diabetic Vasculopathy
P-121651林聖涵Serotonin Suppresses Gastric Tumor Growth and Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition by Inhibiting via The Calpain-10/PPARg/ Pathway
P-131453葉美吟Growth-regulated oncogene-α from oral pre-cancer associated fibroblasts mediates tumor progression in oral cancer.
P-141648詹亞璇Gα 11 Pseudogene Inhibit Gα q/11 Signal in Huangqi Induced K562 Cells and Promote β-globin mRNA Expression
P-151429徐英誠Detecting BRCA1/2 genetic alterations in ovarian cancer by long-range SMRTsequencing technology
P-161549劉玉淳Desmocollin-2 Inhibits Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) in Lung Adenocarcinoma by Down-Regulating Slug
P-171638劉千玉Licochalcone A attenuated airway hyperresponsiveness and eosinophilic infiltration in OVA-induced asthmatic mice
P-181586林秋嬅The Roles of Cancer Stem Cell in Tumor Heterogeneity and Evolution under Hypoxia/Acidic Conditions
P-191646潘奕璇Effect of Opuntia dillenii (Ker) Haw on Melanin Formation and on UVB light protection in melanoma B16-F10 cells
P-201585沈軒宇Cerium Oxide Nanoparticle Triggers The ER Stress Resulting in Apoptosis and Cause Defensive Autophagy in Gastric Cancer
P-211572葉穎逸PCT-Specific Aptamers as An Emerging Diagnostic Molecule for Fiber Optic Particle Plasmon Resonance (FOPPR) Biosensor
P-221528林庭蔚Master Regulators Network Of Plasticity And Stemness related to Cancer-Associated Fibroblast in Primary Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Stem CellA Reverse Engineering Approach
P-231566Lovely RaghavComprehensive study of De novo mutation (DNM) in neuropsychiatric disorders
P-241574陳睿妤Targeting FXYD2 by Aptamers Inhibits Tumor Growth in Ovarian Clear Cell Carcinoma
P-251653呂庭宇Protease-Activated Receptor-1 Inhibition By Melatonin Leads to Suppression of Gastric Cancer Peritoneal Dissemination Via Induction of ER Stress and CEBPb Cleavage.



1st December (Fri)

自行前往 高雄義大天悅飯店

14:00-14:10 Opening 陳健尉 理事長
14:10-15:00 Keynote Speech I

15:10-16:00 Keynote Speech II

16:10-18:00 Coffee Break & Poster Presentation

18:00-19:30 Dinner (高雄義大天悅飯店)

夜宿 (高雄義大天悅飯店)

2nd December (Sat)
7:00-9:00 早餐

09:30-11:30 Oral Presentation Section O1-O8
11:30-12:30 Lunch & 頒獎 & Closing

Invited Speakers

  • Prof. Jean-Marc Egly 主任, 法國科學院院士暨國家衛生與醫學研究院(INSERM) 研究中心
  • Prof. Stephen Lam, BC Cancer Research Center

2017年10月3日 星期二



近日「大數據」技術快速革新,觸發各類應用情境,而精準醫療 (Precision Medicine) 被認為是全球醫療領域的一場革命。落實精準醫療除了需有系統地收集同一個體的各種相關資訊,建置完整的健康大數據資料庫之外,如何化繁為簡透過快速有效的統計分析方法與工具,整合臨床資料及基因體數據來解析疾病與各項構面的關係,也是當前臨床醫師與科學研究人員所面臨最大的挑戰。
本次研討會將邀請中央研究院統計科學研究所陳璿宇博士以疾病診斷、藥物療效、存活預測三大熱門應用主題,教您如何透過SAS Enterprise Guide簡單輕鬆的操作步驟,就可以結合統計方法,以拖拉點選的方式,準確找出與疾病/藥物反應等outcome相關的危險因子,且此模組能彈性重複使用,當您有新增或是異動資料加入時,只需要幾個按鈕,就能快速的重新產出分析的結果,大大節省您寶貴的時間外也協助您建置更符合現實需求的分析能力,累積發展精準醫療或前瞻性醫學研究的能量。
陳璿宇博士現職為中央研究院統計科學研究所副研究員,有豐富的精準醫學研究經驗,其團隊研究成果發表於New England Journal of Medicine、Cancer Cell、Journal of Clinical Oncology、Lancet、Annals of Surgery等高影響力期刊。陳博士亦擔任許多期刊審查委員,現為期刊Scientific Reports的Editorial Board成員,並有多項專利與技轉。在本次研討會中,陳璿宇博士亦將分享精準醫學研究方法與心得、過去投稿和擔任期刊編輯與審查委員的經驗,誠摯邀請您與會聆賞!

09:30 – 10:00
10:00 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:50
10:50 – 11:20
11:20 – 11:40
中場休息 (現場SAS EG實機展示,歡迎加入操作)
11:40 – 12:20
12:20 – 12:30
Q & A

活動時間:2017年10月28日 (星期六) 10:00~12:20 (09:30開始報到)
活動地點:台北喜來登大飯店 B2喜廳 (台北市忠孝東路一段12號)

林倩伃 (02)2787-3276 chienyul@stat.sinica.edu.tw


主辦單位: 台灣基因體暨遺傳學會
協辦單位: SAS公司、台灣胸腔暨重症加護醫學會、 台灣神經學學會
中華民國癌症醫學會、台灣胸腔暨重症加護醫學會、 台灣神經學學會、台灣肺癌學會學分同步申請中

2017年5月2日 星期二



 [22屆台灣癌症聯合學術年會將於10656日至7(星期六~ )於國防醫學院 舉行。(議程請參閱http://www.tjcc.tw/Program.php)

本學會106年度學術演講暨會員大會訂於   56日(星期六)下午2:00-4:30 [1教室] 舉行。 (議程如下圖)



 若無適當之受委託人,可先傳回本學會,再統一委託出席會員。請於開會前 e-mail:tggsociety@gmail.com 或「傳真至 02-23958341」或郵寄至 「台北市中正區仁愛路一段一號台大醫學院轉台灣基因體暨遺傳學會收」。

Email: tggsociety@gmail.com
Web: www.tggs.org.tw